How To Be Anti-Ableist
How To, Most read Everyday Activism Network How To, Most read Everyday Activism Network

How To Be Anti-Ableist

Even though one in four Americans is disabled, ableism is one of the few remaining socially accepted forms of discrimination. It’s time to change how society values people with disabilities and create an equitable and inclusive world for all disabled people.

Here’s how.

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Showing Up for Human Rights Defenders
Inspiration Everyday Activism Network Inspiration Everyday Activism Network

Showing Up for Human Rights Defenders

Over 331 human rights defenders were killed in 2020 alone, with thousands more threatened, attacked, detained, and abused in other ways. But attacks are only part of the story. Human rights defenders courageously put themselves on the line to save our planet and to create a more just and equitable world for all.

Get inspired.

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End Gender-Based Violence
Take Action Everyday Activism Network Take Action Everyday Activism Network

End Gender-Based Violence

One in three women will experience some form of gender-based violence during their lifetime. That’s an estimated 1.3 billion women worldwide. And this figure is likely under-reported due to societal norms, stigma, shame, and silencing. Gender-based violence is pervasive, but it is also preventable. Stand in solidarity with survivors and fight for the rights of women, girls, trans women, and other vulnerable people to live free from violence.

Here’s how.

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Support Immigrant Children
Take Action Jennifer Dreher Take Action Jennifer Dreher

Support Immigrant Children

Every child deserves the care, support, and services they need to thrive. Yet, migrant children entering the U.S. are often confined in detention centers, separated from their families, prevented from quick reunification with family or sponsors, denied access to legal representation, and deprived of accurate information in a language they can understand. Others, who were brought to the U.S. as children by their parents and now call the U.S. home, remain in a state of limbo without a pathway to citizenship.

Here’s what you can do about it.

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Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Inspiration Jennifer Dreher Inspiration Jennifer Dreher

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Much of the food we eat has been grown, picked, processed, or packaged by workers in sub-standard conditions (think: poverty wages, occupational hazards, violence, and sexual assault). Sometimes these workers are even subject to forced labor, a form of human trafficking or modern slavery. Yet, many food retailers claim that they are not responsible for the human rights abuses within their supply chains.

CIW set out to change that.

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Defund the Police
Take Action Jennifer Dreher Take Action Jennifer Dreher

Defund the Police

Defund the police reimagines what community safety looks like. It refers to divesting taxpayer dollars from policing and law enforcement activities and investing the savings in public safety measures that support community needs and create the conditions for everyone to thrive. This makes all of us safer. Yet there is a big misinformation campaign about the movement.

Here’s what you can do about it.

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